Monday, November 23, 2009

That's My Name, Don't Wear It Out!

Working at a zoo, kennel and vet clinic has opened my eyes to a wide variety of names for pets. Anything from a chocolate lab named Denzel Washington, to a boa constrictor names Rocky Balboa...get it...BalBOA? (I found it clever) But the award for best name has to go to a dog named Scrotum Chinfuk. You can't make this stuff up people.

I have a wide variety of pets, all with a reason why i gave it that name.

1) Mortimur- Turtle. Mortimur is a cool, funky name which I thought was appropriate since turtles are cool and funky.

2) Monty- Hermit Crab. Monty seems like an old's man name, and hermit crabs remind me a lot of sluggish old men who just sit there and don't do much.

3) Megatron and Optimus Prime- Fish. These two fish are constantly battling so I thought those names would be fitting. Plus, they are white but one has a little black spot which makes him evil...obvi.

4) Bisslle and Oreck- Sucker Fish. These guys act as vacuums for my fish tank so why not name them after vacuums?

5) SOH, CAH and TOA- Shrimp. I couldn't think of anything else that came in three's...thanks trigonometry.

6) Boris Jangles- Mouse. This is the newest edition to my family. He's small and cute, so i have him a small and cute name. And why Jangles you ask? Well if you're a fan of The Green Mile you should know...if it!

7) Nemo- Cat. My sister named Nemo, and i had no objection to it. What is cooler then naming a cat after a famous fish? Oh the irony.

So there you have it people, you can name your pets based on a variety of things.

PS- For your sake, and the sake of everyone else...PLEASE don't name your pet something cliche; like snowball, fluffy, precious or will be judged.


  1. Bisslle and Oreck are quite clever names!
    But that Nemo might seem all sweet and nice but really scares the crap out of me!!

  2. #5: you smarty pants!! hahah.

    PS: not excited to meet Boris Jangles...

  3. I wanna name my pet some huge WOP name GianCarlo, or Massimo...make lulu beable to pronounce it

  4. I think your next pet should have an Italian name! Love your Mama!
