Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Save the Species

They come out at night, have little black masks, some find them cute, others not so much and they are ENDANGERED! I'm talkin' about the black-footed ferret. There are only three ferret species worldwide but the black-footed ferret is the only one indigenous to North America...and were running out!

It was believed that BFFs were extinct until in 1981 a farmers dog showed up at the barn with a black footed ferret in his mouth. From there things took off to get the population of these little furry Canadians up. Many zoos and organizations, including The Toronto Zoo, have teams up to create breeding programs to help the situation of the BFF.

I had the pleasure of working with these little guys during the summer and learned so much. My first day on the job there was a reporter from Canadian Geographic Magazine with a camera in hand. I didn't think much of it until today when it was brought to my attention that I was in Decembers edition of Canadian Geographic. Click
HERE to learn all about the BFF but more importantly see me in action. Click photo essay and go to picture numero 7. You've never seen someone rock a face-mask, lulu lemon headband and green coveralls so well. I'm going to have the paparazzi at my front door tomorrow.

PS- Ferrets make great pets.


  1. Yousa superstar! And you inserted a hyperlink?! Impressive little one.

  2. HAHAH, you look so professional!
    love peak a boo pic!
    i think you should get one:)
